Aaron Mitchell

"Helping the entire world to see Jesus more clearly"  




Welcome to my online author page home.  The home page should be the most personal on an author page, don't you think?  It is after all, like you are standing in my online livingroom, except I don't really know you are here and unlike my physical home you can stay as long as you like. 
Let's get back to why you are here.  You are here because you heard of or are interested in the products you will find at this site.  To stay up to date, enter your email on the stay up to date page, and I will personally give you updates to what is newly released, soon to be released and what I am working on.  Only enter your email if you want to hear from me.    
All of our books and resources do and always will serve one purpose and that is to, "help the entire world to see Jesus more clearly."  It may be through fiction writing, it may be through devotional writing, or something else, but that is what all of these works will have in common.  Thank you for visiting and your interest in the writings here, stay as long as you like.  Check out the blog, book trailers, social media links and our other resources. Next time invite your friends!   

- Aaron Mitchell